UPSHIFT® C powered by ETHER™ Enzyme Technology combines two enzymes specifically identified to increase phosphate availability, increase nutrient and water availability, boosting plant growth, while maximizing microbial activity.
Product Overview
UPSHIFT® C powered by ETHER™ Enzyme Technology combines two enzymes specifically identified to increase phosphate availability, increase nutrient and water availability, boosting plant growth, while maximizing microbial activity.
This product is designed for dissolving in water and applying through fertilizing equipment into actively growing root zones, or injected near the seed during planting. It has a low salt index, so it is ideal for use as a starter or sidedress fertilizer applied directly to the soil.
ETHER Enzyme Technology is designed to kick start the uptake of available soil nutrients and water, while maximizing
microbial activity.
Use Rate
Starter or side-dress fertilizer: Use minimum of 2.5 lb/acre at
planting, dissolved in warm water. For best use, mix 0.5 lb concentrate/gal of water. DO NOT exceed 2 lb UPSHIFT C per gallon of water. Repeat as needed
Direct Replacement for 10-34-0 starter fertilizer:
For every 1 gallon of 10-34-0 fertilizers, replace with 0.5 lbs of UPSHIFT C dissolved into 1 gallon of water.
A maximum of 2 lb UPSHIFT C can be dissolved per gallon. However, longer mix times are required and this is only recommended for users that have heated water and strong agitation. May be run through irrigation systems.