METALAXYL is a systemic fungicide that contains the chemical metalaxyl, which interferes with fungal RNA synthesis. METALAXYL can be used as a planter box application through Meristem’s patented BIO-CAPSULE™ delivery system.
Product Overview
METALAXYL is a systemic fungicide containing the chemical metalaxyl, which interferes with fungal RNA synthesis. METALAXYL is intended for use as a planter box treatment in combination with a broad-spectrum fungicide.
Metalaxyl is one of the best systemic fungicides against oomycetes. It is widely used as a soil or seed treatment for the control of pythium and phytophthora seed rot and damping-off, and as soil treatment for the control of phytophthora stem rots and cankers in annuals and perennials and of certain downy mildews. METALAXYL is water soluble and is translocated readily from roots to the aerial parts of plants.
Use Rate
METALAXYL can be used as a planter box application through Meristem’s patented BIO-CAPSULE™ delivery system. Please consult the product label for more details.