= CONVOY® DRIVE | Meristem Crop Performance


CONVOY® DRIVE is a 4-0-20 fertilizer containing 8% sulfur formulated to prevent/correct potassium and/or sulfur deficiencies. CONVOY DRIVE is intended to provide essential plant nutrients and enhance nutrient uptake and mobility.

Product Overview

CONVOY® DRIVE is a 4-0-20 fertilizer containing 8% sulfur formulated to prevent/correct potassium and/or sulfur deficiencies. It can be applied alone or mixed with other fertilizers for soil incorporation. CONVOY DRIVE is intended to provide essential plant nutrients and enhance nutrient uptake and mobility.

Use Rate

Foliar: 1-4 qt (32-128 fl oz) per acre in a minimum of 2 gal of water.
Soil-Applied: 1-10 gal (128-1280 fl oz) per acre as required by soil analysis.
