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Market Insight: RhizoSorb® Trials Feature 50% Less Phosphorus; Phosphorsolutions Announces $10 million More


Phospholutions, a company providing “sustainable fertilizer technology,” recently announced an additional $10.15 million from investors to accelerate the commercialization of RhizoSorb®.

“The investment will help us scale our production and accelerate commercialization in the U.S. row crop market,”Craig Dick, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, told CropLife Magazine in a recent interview. “We have an international fertilizer manufacturer that is supporting U.S. growth.”

According to company news releases, RhizoSorb® technology is “a patented blend of activated metal oxides…embedded directly into fertilizer granules during production.” They say the technology works by storing and releasing phosphate more efficiently in the soil to increase plant availability and uptake throughout the growing season.

In the interview, Dick says his company has been working hard to show retailers that although you sell “33% less product, you’re going to make 20% more margin than you would make on the equivalent tons you handle.” He said that trials were conducted on-farm in plots of at least 20 acres treated with RhizoSorb at 50% of the phosphate rate of the grower standard practice as the control.

“In 2022, RhizoSorb was tested across 78 on-farm, independent trial locations,” said Dick. “Our on-farm trial program validates the efficacy of RhizoSorb technology to preserve yield while reducing phosphorus use.”

“This news certainly validates our call for growers to move some of their fertilizer spend to support a new “Biology Is Fertility™” approach with biologicals,” said Mitch Eviston, Meristem Founder and CEO. “Just consider moving $30 an acre — we’re confident it will pay dividends.”

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